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  • Writer's pictureJas

Optimize your meditation 🧘🏾‍♀️ experience

Transitioning from a normal everyday life into a routine that incorporates regular meditation sessions takes structure, dedication as well as discipline. We all have to start somewhere and learning from the mistakes of others is a great way to figure out what you do and don’t want to achieve through meditation.

Discipline plays a very important role the success or failure of your spiritual journey. Sticking to a meditation schedule allows you to consistently recenter your thoughts and energy, keeping you on the path of spiritual elevation.

Rather you have five hours or ten minutes, you should always strive to make the most of your meditation sessions. In doing so, you will find that you are able to achieve more in shorter amounts of time as well as reach new spiritual heights.

Here’s the list of my top 7 meditation optimization techniques:

  1. Face your bed or body north

An interest in feng shui combined with the desire to sleep better at night inspired me to reposition the furniture in my home many years ago. When it comes to the bedroom, north is the focal point. In many cultures, North is associated with the relaxation and quieting of the mind. Facing north allows your body to slip into a deeper meditative state which leads to clearer dreams, deeper self reflection as well as an increase in the chance of astral travel and projection.

  1. Incorporate Copper

Copper is one of the best conductors of spiritual energy. It helps to balance and harmonize the chakras by bouncing positive energy throughout your body. Meditating under a copper pyramid or even just wearing a copper bracelet amplifies the meditative energy you are able produce.

  1. Place crystals under your pillow or in your pockets

Crystals are known for their individual healing properties. Selecting the crystals that best coincide with your meditation goals will aide in your spiritual success. Keep in mind that the energy you possess while interacting with your crystals is the energy that will consume them. By placing your crystals underneath your pillow or in your pocket while meditating, you are literally pumping that hopeful, positive, spiritually superior energy into your crystals that lasts long after your meditation session ends. You’re creating pocket sized balls of positivity to take with you wherever you go.

  1. No food or drinks (excluding water) 2-3 hours beforehand

Food and drink, especially those high in sugar, have the ability to hijack spiritual experiences. Taking a short break from food or drinks prior to a meditation session affords your body the time needed to begin the process of detoxing what’s been placed in your body leading up to your meditation session. Entering into a meditation session on a full stomach or bladder is a recipe for disruption in both the physical and spiritual realms. Fasting before you meditate ensures your meditation session will deliver experiences derived from your higher self instead of from chemical intervention. Water is acceptable as long as you are conscious of your bladder and correlate your bathroom breaks with an uninterrupted meditation session accordingly.

  1. No alcohol 3-4 hours beforehand

Much like tip #4, the rule of no alcohol stems from your physical body’s tendency to hold onto chemicals introduced to it through your consumptions and using them to alter your spiritual experiences. Alcohol before bed or a meditation session is always a big no no because it hinders your ability to sleep. As a person who previously believed that I needed alcohol in order to sleep, I will be the first to tell you that what I thought was “sleep” was actually only restlessness. Months were spent wondering how I could feel so tired after a full night’s sleep. It’s because your body is working ten times as hard to create the environment that you would naturally enter into without chemical intervention. Detoxing your body from alcohol, even for only a few hours, allows your brain and nervous system to realize that it does not need to work as hard to allow you to have spiritual stimulating experiences.

  1. No screens 1-3 hours beforehand

Exposing your eyes to television, computer and cellphone screens for extend periods of time causes your brain to run and continue running on high speed around the clock. It is 100% necessary to take regular breaks from screens to remind your subconscious mind of what’s real vs what is simulated. Placing a gap between your meditation sessions and your screen time ensures that you don’t inadvertently swap experiences.

  1. Exercise prior to meditating

Incorporating any type of physical activity into your day prior to meditation is guaranteed to have a positive affect on your experience. Channeling your energy into physical activity before meditating creates the perfect balance of spiritual and physical energies. In order to satisfy your higher self, you must consider both your physical and spiritual needs. Paying too much attention to one over the other causes imbalance which leads to the low vibration of both. The proper care and consideration for both your physical and spiritual wellbeing is the only way to create harmony within yourself.

I urge you to start incorporating these tips into your daily routine today and watch your meditation sessions transform! For more tips and discussions on topics like this, be sure to subscribe to the website and join any groups that spark your interest to be a part of the conversation and let me know what you would like to discuss next 🧘🏾‍♀️





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