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Writer's pictureJas

Manifesting Love vs Looking for Love ❤️

Updated: May 9, 2020

Love is considered one of the basic human needs. Yes, food, water and money are important but they don’t satisfy any emotional needs. Before deciding I was ready to welcome true love and a family of my own into my life years ago, I was convinced that I was happy with the way my life was.

Great job, ✔️

Degree ✔️

House, ✔️

Frequent traveler ✔️

Freedom to date whoever whenever I pleased ✔️

Standing biweekly hair, nail and facial appointments ✔️

Nights out with friends ✔️

I was the definition of the “I don’t need a man” stereotype.

Even though I was so proud of myself and my accomplishments, I always secretly wanted someone to share those moments with and vice versa. I enjoyed myself whenever I decided to go out but there was always a lingering feeling of emptiness and something in the back of my mind reminding me that there was no one (outside of friends and family-it is not the same) waiting for me to make it home safely.

I occupied my time with eating at every restaurant I could get to, cleaning my house over and over and over again and working. I even bought a dog but at the end of the day, nothing could distract me from the overwhelming feeling of emptiness that I would experience when I made it home each night.

Dating was the worst. It seemed that every man I encountered either already had children or had questionable ties to other women (both big no-no’s for me). Giving up seemed to be my only option so that’s exactly what I did. I got the idea in my head that if I focused on myself, love would find me. Little did I know, I was manifesting!

Manifesting is the act of convincing yourself that something you desire is already within your possession. Every night I would imagine that I was with a man who made me happier than I had ever been. I watched the relationship progress in my imagination

and came up with a few techniques to make sure my energy remained the same throughout the day. Before long, I met the love of my life and now I have a beautiful family that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

He really is my best friend and I couldn’t ask for more. I have someone who introduced me to me because for the first time in my life, I can be myself. He supports my goals and dreams and I do the same for him. I feel so safe. I would’ve never thought that my frustration with life would lead me here. My only regret is not learning about it sooner.

Manifesting love will always beat looking for love because when you look, it is with your human eyes. The ego will always cause you to overlook what only your higher self knows you’re in need of.

I’ve created a course to show others exactly how I manifested my new life in the hopes that I can help someone else decide to choose love. Check it out in the Courses section.

See you in class!





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