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Writer's pictureJas

How I take Spiritual Baths

What is a Spiritual Bath?

A spiritual bath is a great way to replenish your mind, body and spirit. It is ritualistic in nature and consists of a number of different elements, each serving its own specific purpose. It is far more than just a photo op for your bathtub. Each element that is included as well as each action completed must be performed with intent behind it.

When should I take a spiritual bath?

Deciding when to take a spiritual bath is completely up to you however, there are also times, such as during a full moon, when it is beneficial to pull from the energy of the Universe to intensify your spiritual bath.

How do I take a spiritual bath?

Taking a spiritual bath is a process that starts from within. During the days leading up to your spiritual bath, begin to affirm and show gratitude for the things that you would like to accomplish through your spiritual bath. If your goal is to release negative energy, show gratitude experiencing less stressful situations. If your goal is to gain success in your business, thank the universe for showing you the way to success.

You should also give yourself ample time to plan your spiritual bath. Some of the items that you need should be purchased the day of for optimum freshness, but donā€™t stress yourself out waiting until the last minute to pick up the supplies you need. You may run the risk of your local store not having something that you need and having to go to another. When shopping for the items you will use in your spiritual bath, purchase your candles and flowers in the colors that most closely correspond with your goal for your spiritual bath. The same goes for your crystals. You should also pick up any items you think you may need for comfort. I personally enjoy using a bath pillow for back support while taking spiritual baths.

Start off by giving your space a good cleaning. It makes no sense to attempt a spiritual cleansing in an unsanitary bathroom. You should also be clean prior to entering your spiritual bath. This is a sacred space which you show honor to by presenting your best self.

Fill your tub with water at the temperature of your comfort level. Pour yourself a glass of something cold if you like your water extremely hot (like me). Once full, you will begin to add your ingredients. STATE YOUR INTENT as you add each ingredient. Light your candles, dim the lights if you choose and turn on some reiki healing or meditation music. Enter your bath and VISUALIZE your goals coming to fruition. Show gratitude to the universe and release any negative energy you may be carrying.

Can I add extras to my spiritual bath?

Absolutely! I have included orange slices, lemon slices and even herbs in my spiritual baths. Add whatever feels right to you. If you would like to add crystals to your bath, ensure that you are not using a crystal that dissolves in water. If you are, be sure to place that crystal somewhere nice a dry during your spiritual bath.


Spiritual baths are great for everyone. It presents us with the opportunity to release negative energy, manifest and show gratitude in one action. Give a spiritual bath a try and be sure to let me know how it went.





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